In 1989, S. Scott Crump patented Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), a 3D printing technology that uses melted material to form objects layer by layer. Four years later, MIT in Boston achieved 3D color printing, a costly but groundbreaking technology.

Despite the years since 3D printers hit the market, the field continues to evolve and capture interest, driven by advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). We spoke with Bernardo Mattiucci, an innovative technician with extensive experience in various technological fields. He explains why 3D printers remain relevant in 2024 and how AI is redefining this industry.
In the interview that follows, Mattiucci shares his insights, his 3D printing prototype, and how AI is revolutionizing the world of 3D printers, opening up new possibilities and challenges for the industry. He also explores emerging trends and future applications of this rapidly evolving technology.